I like it......
It took a bit of time but I went through every artist that I follow on Instagram.
I follow some of them simply because they are great teachers or they have a great way of controlling the paint or using colour and that is what I am drawn to ie one specific aspect of their talent. So I discounted those choosing instead to concentrate on first impressions and the art that makes me stop scrolling and have another look. The art that compels me to pick up the card in the shop, to want to touch the surface, to smile just because of the feel of the piece.
It meant that I had to make some tricky and painful eliminations.
Paul Heaston for example, I really love the detail of his sketches I love that there is so much to look at in each sketch even though it is just a café or just his front room – it is real and authentic – I love that. But actually black and white pieces don’t resonate with me as much as colour or dramatic light so while I admire his sketches, I admire his ability, I really like the pieces I have to admit that they don’t resonate with me in the way that I am looking for. #paulheaston
I hate using other peoples art on my site because I do not like to be seen as trying to steal other peoples work or to be claiming it as my own – I am not doing that.
The artwork from this point on is not mine, Rebel has nothing to do with it and I will not use it on any of my social media.
The artists themselves have been credited for their own work.
Yao yao ma van https://www.yaoyaomavanas.com
ig: yaoyaomva
facebook: yaoyao ma van as art
These are my absolute favourites.
They are beautiful whole scene work with strong emotions being conveyed, very relatable every day scenes, struggles, situations. I love the dramatic colour pallette, the lighting, the accent lights, sun glinting/fairly light/light thru curtain or door. I love the pose of the character, the dog is often dynamic. The art work stirs something in me, causes me to stop, smile and look again. I love that.
Pascal campion art https://gallerypascal.com/
ig: pascal campion art facebook: pascalcampionart
This art is all about the landscape, the colour and the silhouette. The composition is the whole things, unrealistic colours that flow and sit so comfortably together. There is little detail in most of the scenes I have seen, it is more about the colours, the mood. They depict very modern day scenes of real people in town or cityscapes.
Frank Morrison - https://morrisongraphics.com/
ig: frankmorrison #Frankmorrison
Traditional art, mainly oils I think but some are mixed media. I love the sass and attitude of Franks pieces.
The post and gesture of each kid in each artwork speaks volumes. Kids trying to be kids in an adult world, trying to find their way with their own playfulness, joy, poses, facial expressions, dress sense – all of it is relate-able, real and so fun
Genechka Djogan – https://www.instagram.com/genechka_djogan/?hl=en
Facebook: genechka djogan Ig: genechka_djogan #genechkadjogan
These are my favourite kind of watercolours; cute, watery, bold colours. I do like landscape watercolours too when they are lovely bright colours but I like the surreal, not to serious, poses, gestures, characters – I like that kind of stuff too. I love the way the paint flows across this art, I love the bright colours which is something I find very difficult with water colours. While I think I prefer whole scenes I do think that the fact these are characters with no backgrounds stands out to me and I like that. Are these slightly less universal? I’m not sure.
So these guys are my absolute favourites. I always look forward to seeing their next new thing. I have 15 others – no joke – 15 that are on my top short list! So to pick 4 was very difficult.
Here is a small selection of the others:
Lisa aisato: http://www.aisato.no/
Marcin_piwowarski: http://www.artscube.com/index.html
Duck_d_lynn………….lynn choi https://www.instagram.com/duck_d_lynn/?hl=en
Marco bucci: https://www.marcobucci.com/
And the others……
Viktoria Prischedko;
Adem Potas;
Aaron Blaise;
Steph Hider;
Will terry;
Tiago Hoisel;
Sara Faber
I have some clearer defined ideas of the art I like to look at so I can try and start to move towards producing stuff I actually like.
Please check websites and social media accounts of all the amazing talents out there especially the ones mentioned here.
Be inspired to start creating for yourself – there is nothing like just creating for the fun of creating, it’s fabulous and free-ing once the challenge of perfection has been laid aside.