200 Books in 1 Year 

So, yes, I may be a little bit insane, but aren’t we all? And, I mean, I did do it!

In 2022, I read a total of 187 books so for 2023, I want to try to beat that. 200 books! It honestly sounded like an insane goal when I set it and still feels kind of crazy that I achieved it but I did achieve it and here are my top ten (eleven) reads of the year. I have even included the book tropes as recommendations for all you bookworms out there. And, remember, whether you read 1 book in 2023 or 300 books, what makes you a reader is your love of books not how many you read x

In tenth place was the worst kind of promise by Celeste Briars. It was an awesome brother’s best friend, forced proximity, ice hockey romance. And the mmc felt like he should be the blueprint for all book boyfriends everywhere with his acts of service.

In ninth place was Heartless by Elsie Silver. I mean the whole chestnut springs series was AMAZING but this was definitely a top contender of the year. It is forced proximity, single dad/nanny, small town romance which as you’ll see from my other top reads of the year became a favourite of mine. It was perfect and the kid was simply so lovable. I almost forgot to mention that this was also a grumpy-sunshine romance which is perfect!

Next up in eighth place: A Heart so Fierce and Broken by Brigid Kemmerer. This is the second book in the A Curse So Dark and Lonely series which is a fantasy novel series which takes place in a parallel universe to our world which was such a cool concept. This book follows the guard of the guy in the first book as he embarks on trying to save his people. It had so much depth and had me utterly captivated.

Next up in seventh place: Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros. This book was captivating from the get-go because it was like we were learning everything with Violet. And obviously Xaden was perfect in the I-hate-everyone-in-the-world-but-you way. I mean everyone loved this book this year, so if you haven’t read it then you should. It is one hundred percent worth the hype!

Coming in at number 6 was The Summer of Broken Rules by K L Walther. I did not expect to love this book but I did. It was the perfect summer read - light and easy yet it did have some depth too. And it was set on an island that was the perfect setting for such a brilliant book. It wasn’t typical either. It held its own in the hundreds of summer reads i’ve read because it’s plotline was so different. The two of them met playing a game called assassin at a wedding and the game put them into some very strange situations which was totally entertaining.

Next up is Caught Up by Liz Tomforde at number 5. So, as I said single dad books became a favourite of mine in 2023. And this one was no different. He was a single dad who was a famous sportsman. She was his boss’s daughter and the nanny to his kid for the summer. She lived in a van and he lived in a mansion. It was just so perfect and I loved every second. Even though, I am not a fan of the third act breakup, it didn’t take away from my love of this book.

At number 4 - The Right Move by Liz Tomforde. Yes, this one is in the same series to the previous one and yes, they both made the top ten. Acts of service as a love language? It must be mine because this guy was all over it and I loved it. This was best friend’s brother, forced proximity and famous guy. It was absolutely beautiful. And if you are ok with a minor spoiler: the guy learns sign language to speak to the girl’s dad because he’s deaf.

In third place, because would it even be a top ten wrap up without Krista and Becca Ritchie being mentioned is Unlucky Like Us. And, oh my goodness, this book absolutely slaughtered my emotions. If you haven’t read the Addicted/Calloway Sisters/Like Us Series you just need to, ok? It is the best most well-written book series in existence. The characters honestly feel like real people. And, if I didn’t limit myself to only putting new reads in my top ten books of the year, I can nearly guarantee that all top ten books of every year would be a book from this series. It just complete and utter perfection!!!

Second place? Has to go to Unsteady by Peyton Corinne. This is a single mum-esque, ice hockey romance where the main guy is struggling with PTSD and the main girl is struggling with home problems. And you can just tell that they both just want to help the other so much but they don’t want to be overbearing. It is dual POV and I read it one sitting.

Finally, the top read of the year for me is Reckless by Elsie Silver! This one was one that I was not expecting to love but then absolutely adored. It is accidental pregnancy trope but that is not all it is. You can just tell through everything that if they didn’t the baby together, they would still be together. It was amazing. And the main girl is independent to a fault and all the guy wants to do is be there for her and help her. Honestly, I think the reason why I loved it so much was because I related to the main girl so much.

Then, because I am incapable of sticking to just ten. My honourable mention is Powerless by Lauren Roberts. It had every single romantasy trope I adored in it and that is why I couldn’t not mention it.