I Need A Cuddle

There is power in a cuddle.

It doesn’t matter which society the child is born into, its fundamental needs remain the same.

In fact, newborn babies need five things to thrive: touch, connection, permanence, nurture and reassurance.

Children can often seek out that re-assurance. They scramble up onto a lap, sneak under the arm, bring over a book with expectant eyes. They often don’t feel embarrassment in expressing the need for a cuddle, they need what they need, to them it’s as simple as that!

The needs of the parent are pretty similar too but often we are not quite so capable of expressing it. Parents have often learn the art of protecting ourselves from rejection and so rather than ask for the comfort of a cuddle we just go without.

But you know what, after a hurt, a dig or thinly-veiled insult, a cuddle would work wonders on our soul because hurt hurts, no matter what our age.


May all the grown-ups in the room learn to follow the example of our little people

May the grown-ups  and kids feel free to let others know what they really need.
May the grown-ups and kids learn to be a little less cryptic and guarded with our true intentions.
May the grown-ups and kids learn the art of vulnerability and truth with a dash of kindness and gentleness thrown in!


We would probably do ourselves a huge favour by just being able to ask the people nearest to us for a little help, or a little space, or even a little cuddle now and then!