Blog Illustrations #3
Rebel Kids Play through the boredom
In keeping with the ‘full scene’ illustrations I wanted to achieve I tried to capture a toddler at play. While I can see that that the kitchen units are crooked and the paint is a bit too blotchy and the jeans are not perfect – but I also see the recognisable scene of a tot pleased to be directing her playtime with mummy and all those familiar items that my kids loved to play with. For me, it was a step in the right direction having captured the feeling and memory I wanted to.
Faith - 3 more money – sad kid with toys
This illustration is busy and hectic and the child is lost in amongst all his stuff. I suppose that is the point but the overall effect is not a pleasing piece of artwork. Even now I struggle to put my finger on what is wrong with it, perhaps a simpler palette would have improved things, I just know that it is not one I like to look back on.
Hair – 3 What come after coconut oil – pineapple
This is interesting because I managed to illustrate every part of the text that I needed to, there is no background to the figure, yet I think she is complete. Her skin is a but too orange but skin tones are very tricky! You have to feel the colours rather than see them and I haven’t acquired that skill yet.
Youth - 3 busy becoming – teens on steps
I was pleased with these two teens standing on the steps, and I like the slightly more dramatic lighting but something is still off with the colours. Perhaps the lighter areas are too light, perhaps it is just that the skin is still the wrong colour, I don’t know. I do like their posture, they are very teen like in their stance and I felt that something loosened in my drawing.
Health - 3 oil and water – face in profile
I was writing about skin and I really didn’t know what to draw. My idea of perfect skin is not the same as yours, it comes in all different colours with so many little variations that trying to draw just one character with beautiful skin was too much of a challenge for me.
That is why the skin of this lady is the white of the page and the hair is deliberately unrealistic. The beauty is meant to be shown as coming from her serene expression rather than the skin itself. That being said, the oil and water play a big part and I more than please with the final watercolour result.