I doodle - April 18
Big canvas art is amazing and I completely respect and admire the talent involved in producing it. It is not for me.
Photorealism is incredible, especially the portraits that look like photos, mind blown! It is not for me.
Abstract? Not sure
Animals? Perhaps.
Portraits? Landscapes? I don’t know.
The thing is, I doodle. Doesn’t everyone. Come on, hands up, who doesn’t doodle to listen better. I doodled through college, through Uni, through meetings. I still doodle through church and house groups and date night (?). It helps all of us to think and to concentrate better; in fact, even if the research has not yet been done, I am fairly certain the neural pathways linking doodling and hearing are in place.
Is doodling art?
I have decided it is – hence Rebel Art – but perhaps its proper title is illustration. Or perhaps illustrations are considered way more complicated than a simple ‘doodle’. Probably doodles are the baby steps of illustrations.
Personally, I don’t care for the titles or the labels, I only include it here to say that I decided I wanted to do this art thing but I didn’t know how to make the jump from doodling to art-ing. I knew that I needed to learn because the wonderful pictures and images I could conjure up in my mind were not transferring to the page very well at all. I needed help but didn’t know where to find it.
Did you know it is not possible to sit a GCSE in doodling!
I didn’t want to study fine art or digital art or 3d art but what I wanted didn’t seem to be around. So I went back to basics by enrolling myself on a diploma course run by London Art College called beginners drawing and painting. It was distance learning, supported by a tutor all the way and it was a great start for me and a necessary re-introduction to the discipline of study. I hated the perspective stuff and the tonal stuff but I knew that those were the skills I was missing and part of the reason my art was lacking. By the end of the course I was excited by the prospect of illustration and communicating through pictures. The idea for REBEL was birthed before I had completed the course but I knew that I just had to finish the one thing before embarking on anything new.
Course complete October 2017.
REBEL Pathways launched now.
I don’t know how ‘REBEL’ my art is and I don’t know what type of ART it is that I produce. Maybe it doesn’t need a label.
Art GCSE was dropped in favour of music GCSE. I ended those two years at school hating playing music and I didn’t touch my guitar or keyboard until about 2 years after I finished Uni. - but I was still sketching.
I haven’t really stopped drawing but I have to admit that I often find this process of producing ‘art’ or ‘pieces’ frustrating rather than satisfying. The idea’s I dream up in my head are amazing but I could never transfer them to the page accurately. Recently, however, there has been a shift.
What changed I wonder?
I am not entirely certain as this whole thing has been and still is an exciting journey of exploration. Walk with me and perhaps we can make some discoveries about creativity together.