So, obviously this experience was insane. Virgin Upper Class flight? Check! Private drivers? Check! 5 star Marriott Hotels? Check!

If you ever have the opportunity to go on a luxurious trip, please do it. It will change your life in a completely different way then travelling and volunteering does. It makes you so beyond grateful for what you have and the things that you get to experience. Honestly, at times I did feel really out of place at some of these fancy places. Like, I was 100% still wearing backpacking clothes like the (happy) trousers I got from Cambodia and Borneo and t-shirts. And then the people who were staying in these hotels that I was staying in were wearing fancy suits or dresses that you just knew cost hundreds of thousands of pounds. It was insane, really. And, imposter syndrome did strike multiple times. However, I found my people in the workers. Thank you to the lovely front of house lady in Hugharda who was absolutely the highlight of my stay there and thank you so much for all your recommendations for Cairo. And thank you so much to the pool guys in Cairo for the never-ending stream of non-alcoholic fancy mocktails. You guys and your smiles were honestly such a highlight.

Now let’s talk planes. I went on six flights in eight days. Three of which were first class or upper class. Honestly, if I had the money and was on a super long haul flight, paying to travel in a higher class would be a know brainer. The food was ten times better and you could edit things on the menu to suit yourself. However, if I was just doing another short haul flight and had the spare income, I probably wouldn’t upgrade to a high class unless it was an overnight flight and I knew I would need to sleep. For a travel girly who finds it extremely hard to fall asleep if I am not horizontal, the seats that transformed to beds were absolute perfection and I would definitely recommend spending the money for that perk alone. But, then again if you know that you probably won’t use that amenity and aren’t too fussed about the food then economy is a perfect money saving option. All that to say, I am 100% grateful that I got to experience everything I did but I wouldn’t necessarily always choose it because for someone like me, travelling for longer is more appealing than travelling in pure luxury. I am not saying I would never travel in luxury but for now, time over luxury is my way.

The hotels were absolute gorgeous and because we went away to celebrate my 18th birthday every single hotel went above and beyond. Cakes and baklavas were delivered at every new hotel. Balloons and gifts arrived. In fact, at one of them, I was bought into a whole production and gifted cake. It was absolutely incredible. And, to be completely honest, whilst I was there, being absolutely pampered and treated like a princess, I loved it and wished that it could be me all the time. I mean, whoever tries to win my heart someday has their work cut out for them. (No, seriously, I am joking but it was pretty amazing!)

Last but no means least…activities! Because this was a once-in-a-lifetime, no-expenses-spared trip, we did loads of activities. From snorkelling in the red sea to sailing on sunset fellucca ride, we did it all. Our tour guides were fantastic, please send me an email if you want their details. Our trips were phenomenal and it truly felt once-in-a-lifetime. So, I have said it once and I will say it again, if you ever get the opportunity to go on an all expenses paid trip like this one where you can experience everything including quad biking in the desert and having a private driver all day long, do it! It’ll be relaxing, it’ll be fabulous, it’ll make you feel like the princess you dreamed about being when you were a little girl.

Let me know your favourite luxury travel moment, I can’t wait to hear all about it!